Heart The Healer

Heart The Healer

REIKI LEVEL 1st Course

Become a Certified Usui Reiki Healer - Heal&Transform Yourself, Family, Friends, Clients, Pets with Energy Healing

Free Bonuses-

  1.  21 days handholding
  2. 3 days of Heartfulness meditation training
  3. weekly live doubt-clearing session
  4.  One online consultation free
  5. One disease protocol-free

This 1st degree Reiki healing workshop will be included with 

🔹 Introduction to Reiki: Step into the world of Reiki, a profound practice for healing and balance.

🔹 Concept behind Reiki: Explore the fundamental principles that underpin the art of Reiki and its transformative potential.

🔹 What is Healing?: Delve into the essence of healing and its significance in our lives.

🔹 How can we do Healing?: Learn practical techniques and methods for facilitating healing energy.

🔹 Who is capable of doing Healing?: Discover how anyone can tap into the healing power of Reiki, irrespective of background or experience.

🔹 What are Chakras?: Explore the energetic centers within the body and their role in maintaining harmony and well-being how the chakras formed, how their vibrations formed?

What are the Sounds and colours of the Chakras?

🔹 What is Shielding Technique?: Learn how to protect yourself energetically and maintain your personal space.

🔹 What is Grounding Technique?: Discover techniques to stay grounded and connected to the present moment.

🔹 How to Clean Your Aura ?: Learn methods to purify and rejuvenate your energetic field for enhanced well-being.

🔹 How to Energize Your Aura ?: Discover techniques to amplify and invigorate your aura, fostering vitality and balance.

🔹 How to Energize Everything Around You ?: Explore ways to infuse your surroundings with positive energy and harmony.

🔹 How to Block Someone’s Negativity or Negative Thoughts Coming to You ?: Equip yourself with strategies to maintain emotional boundaries and preserve your energy.

🔹 How to Heal Your Life, Your Money & Your Prosperity ?: Unlock the potential for holistic healing in all aspects of life, including finances and prosperity.

Fee- 1100Rs
(excluding food and 1499/ including food) instead of 5000/

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    Your Name

    Your Mobile Number

    Your email

    Dr. BP Sharma
    Reiki Grand Master/ Past Life Regression 
    Arhatic Pranic Healer/ Psychotherapist 
    Counsellor/Naturopath/ Alternative Therapist/ Acupuncturist/ Acupressure Therapist 
    Heartfulness Meditation Trainer
