Heart The Healer

Heart The Healer

REIKI LEVEL 2nd Course

Become a Certified Usui Reiki Healer - Heal&Transform Yourself, Family, Friends, Clients, Pets with Energy Healing

REIKI LEVEL 2nd Course

With Dr. Bhooprakash Sharma

đŸ‘‰History of Reiki
  • How all Paranormal and Supernatural events happen Psychokinesis
  • Science behind Reiki
  • Astral Body Projection
  • The reason behind Tantra, Mantra & Yantra
đŸ‘‰How is Reiki energy used to heal ourselves, others, and all around us?
  • Attunement of 3 great Reiki symbols
  • Functionality of left and right brain
  • Physical & Distance Healing
  • Alpha Level Healing
  • Effectiveness of Visualisation
  • Uses & Importance of Affirmation and how to do it through Reiki?
  • Attraction and Empowerment of Goal
FEE: Rs 2100/

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