Heart The Healer

Discover the Healing Power of
Past Life Regression

Are you seeking deeper understanding and healing in your life? Past life regression is a transformative technique that allows you to explore memories and experiences from previous lifetimes, guiding you toward emotional healing and self-discovery. 

Symptoms of a Past Life Regression Experience

Vivid Visual or Sensory Imagery: One of the most common symptoms is seeing images or having sensory experiences (smells, sounds, touch) that feel real but are clearly not part of your current life. You might see yourself in a different body, wearing clothes from a past era, or living in a foreign place.

Strong Emotional Reactions: Sudden feelings of deep emotion—such as sadness, fear, joy, or anger—that don’t seem related to your current life may be linked to past life memories. These emotions can emerge during regression therapy, meditation, or spontaneously in everyday life.

Physical Sensations: People undergoing past life regression may feel physical sensations, such as:


1. Grounding Techniques

Grounding helps you reconnect with the present reality, ensuring that your mind and energy return fully to the here and now.

2. Closing Rituals

If you’re working with a therapist or doing a self-guided session, it’s important to perform a closing ritual that signifies the end of the regression and a return to the present.

3. Reiki Energy Healing for Balance

As a Reiki Grandmaster, you can incorporate energy healing to balance your energy post-session.

4. Journaling and Reflection

Writing down your experiences can help you process and release the emotional or mental residue from the session. Journaling allows you to put the past life memories into perspective and keep them separate from your current life.

5. Emotional Integration

Emotions stirred up by past life memories can sometimes linger. Here’s how to integrate and release these emotions:

6. Physical Movement

Engaging in physical activities after a past life regression session helps reintegrate your body and mind.

7. Use of Crystals

Crystals have grounding properties that can help you reconnect with the physical world after a deep spiritual experience.

8. Reconnecting with the Present

Here are ways to reconnect with your present life:

9. Guided Exit by Therapist

If you are working with a therapist or practitioner, they will typically guide you through a gentle process to come out of the past life experience. This often includes:

10. Set Boundaries with the Past Life Memories

If past life memories continue to intrude on your present-day experience after the regression, set clear mental boundaries. Tell yourself, “I appreciate the insights from the past, but now I am fully committed to my current life.”

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